
The on line edition of the Romanian journal Anthropological Researches and Studies (formerly named Studii si Cercetari de Antropologie), continues a half a century old tradition of anthropological publishing under the aegis of The Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology (former denomination was The Anthropological Research Centre) in the Romanian Academy.


The Institute’s first anthropological journal, Probleme de Antropologie (Anthropological Issues – AI), dates back to 1954. It covered three sections: “General Anthropology”, “Paleoanthropology” and “Physical Anthropology”. In an opening article devoted to the history of anthropology in Romania, Professor Stefan Milcu, the Director of the Institute, surveyed the emergence and progress of anthropological research since the 19th century to 1920, then over a short ‘contemporary’ period (1920–1940). The ‘current’ period, identified with the ‘50s, was devoted ample reference. Accurate information was provided about the country’s main academic centers of anthropologic research – Bucharest, Cluj, and Iasi – as well as about major foreign anthropologists such as Eugène Pittard and Viktor Lebzelter who contributed research on Romanian communities. 


Seven volumes of AI  were issued up to 1963. Starting 1964, AI gave way to two distinct journals : Studii şi cercetări de antropologie and Annuaire roumain d’anthropologie, the latter open to contributions written in either French or English.


Studii şi cercetări de antropologie asserted itself as the main anthropological periodical in Romanian language. It covered contributions in paleo-anthropology, contemporary anthropology, and socio-demographical anthropology duly accompanied by abstracts in English or French. Developments in Romanian anthropology are well accounted for in articles signed by several generations of scholars. Over eleven years (1964-1975), SCA was issued twice a year, in separate tomes, then from 1975 to 1998, only once a year. The journal was to be discontinued in 1999 out of financial reasons.


With current IT&C facilities, a welcomed opportunity arises to resume publication of Studii si Cercetari de Antropologie under the name of Anthropological Researches and Studies (ARS).


The ARS Editorial Board is committed to support development of anthropological research in Romania while taking full advantage of the country’s admission into the European Union. The new edition of Anthropological Researches and Studies is designed as an international Journal of current anthropology bringing together contributions written in either Romanian or English or French, from either Romanian or European scholars – with no intended limits to contributors from other areas of the world.


Starting with 2016, Anthropological Researches and Studies Journal publishes only articles written in English.


      Starting with 2024 in order to maintain free open access, long-term archiving and indexing (such as DOAJ, Crossref), a publishing fee of 100 euros/paper will be requested upon final acceptance following the review process. See section Evaluation Phases, at the end.


Starting with the year 2022, The Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology – Romanian
Academy and the
Asociaţia de Cercetări Multidisciplinare pentru Sănătate (ACMS) – in English Multidisciplinary Research Association for Health collaborate to produce this journal.



Starting with July 2024, The Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology – Romanian Academy and the publishing house Pro Universitaria collaborate to produce this journal.


Cover and contents of the last printed edition of Studii și Cercetări de Antropologie (in the Romanian language). 4

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