This journal subscribes to the principles and international standards for editors, reviewers, and authors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Publication or submitting for publication

Articles previously published in other magazines or in other languages will not be taken into consideration.

The author(s) assumes his/their responsibility that the electronic document is complete and accurate at the time of submission, after review and acceptance.

The order in which the articles are published in the magazine is determined by: the date they were received by the editorial office, editorial needs and compliance with the recommendations above. Some topical articles can take precedence, requested by the editorial office or of special interest.


Failure to observe the above recommendations can result in delays in publishing the materials.

The authors assume their full responsibility for their writing style and the quality of translations.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by a filled and signed Copyright Form (Copyright Form Download PDF).


The journal allow the author(s) to hold the copyright, to retain publishing rights without restrictions.


The circuit, evaluation stages of articles submitted for publication:

1. Manuscript (.doc), Copyright Form (.pdf) and Potential peer reviewers (.doc) shall be submitted to one of these addresses:

Technical reviews:

2. Articles are registered with a serial number and specifying the date on which they were received.


3.  In order to preserve the anonymity during the subsequent evaluation stages, the name of the Reviewer is denoted by a code.


4.  If the Chief Editor and the Expert Editor consider the material does not clearly meet the requirements for publishing, the article will be rejected. The reasons for rejection of an article in this stage include: The rejection is notified to author(s) within 30 days (from assignment) by an online message from the corresponding Associated Editor, stating the reasons for such rejection.

  • failure to follow the guidelines for authors, conditions of editing
  • improvised bibliography
  • errors of scientific content
  • non-compliance with the ethics and bioethics rules
  • topics that are of no interest for the profile of the magazine

5.  The article that meets all general conditions referred to in Section 4 is submitted Special Editors:

Articles from specialist editors are submitted for Peer-Review. The two specialists in the area are appointed from the Scientific Editorial Board so as not to be in the same institution and not to have any professional relationship with the authors. The names of the experts assessing the article are known only by the Chief Editor, Expert Editor. The experts will submit their assessment and comments to the Expert Editor within 60 days. If the article is rejected, the author will be notified by the Associated Editor on the specific reasons for such rejection. If the peer-review views differ significantly, a third expert will be requested.


6. The article accepted that requires changes will be sent to its author(s) by the Expert Editor accompanied by comments and remarks of two specialists. The author(s) is/are required to submit a response within 30 days.


7. The manuscript, with changes made by the author(s), is returned by the Expert Editor to the two specialists who are required to submit their reworked version within 30 days. If experts consider the author failed to resolve the issues notified, the article is rejected for publication. The decision is communicated to the author(s) by the Chief Editor.

When publishing the articles, the following rules shall be complied with:

  • an author can sign only one article as the first author in the same issue of the magazine;
  • the order of publication is based on the coverage ratio of magazine sections;
  • articles with topics of great interest have precedence.

The average duration between submission and publication of articles is not more than 8 months.

Starting with 2024 in order to maintain free open access, long-term archiving and indexing (such as DOAJ, Crossref), a publishing fee of 100 euros/paper will be requested upon final acceptance following the review process.


An author can submit a maximum of two articles per issue. If an author sends two articles for the same issue, upon acceptance, a 10 euro deduction will be granted.

The deduction is made on the basis of a request that must be sent to the specialized editor with whom the author was in correspondence.

Any other deduction for the publication fee of the articles cannot be granted.


In case of multiple authors, the fee will be paid by the contacting / submitting author (the author of the correspondence).

The authors are requested to pay only after the second phase of corrections, suggestions received from the two reviewers or no later than 15 days from the date on which they were informed that the article had been accepted for publication.

The authors will be informed by e-mail about the account and the dates where the amount will be transferred. 


Withdrawal Policy:

The author can withdraw the article with no cost within three week of its original submission, time in which is in correspondence with the specialist editor. However the author has to pay 20% (25 euros) of publication charges if he withdraws the article after the second corrections, suggestions received from the two reviewers, for compensation of strenuous effort involved in it.

For any queries regarding manuscript withdrawal/article processing fee, please contact one of our specialist editors.